Minimalism: a Documentary About the Important Things

My wife and I recently watched the Minimalism documentary by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus (aka “The Minimalists”) and we loved it.

We’re always talking with one another about how gross and unsettling peoples’ consumption habits can be — Christmas with our families is always a solid reminder of that — and we strive to only allow quality things into our lives that each have a specific purpose. This documentary is all about that idea.

Watch the trailer:

What I particularly enjoyed about Minimalism is that it featured people I’ve been following online about this stuff for years, including my friend Patrick Rhone (whose newsletter you should subscribe to), Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist, and more.

You can find the film in these places:

For more documentary goodness, check out our recent guide, Five Documentaries Worth Watching.