‘Weather on the Way’ for iPhone
This past week, Polish designer and developer Piotr Knapczyk [Twitter] has been posting on the r/VanDwellers subreddit and elsewhere about his new app Weather on the Way, which gives you detailed weather information along a road trip route.
As an RVer, my interest was piqued as soon as I read those words ?
Powered by a combination of Apple Maps and Dark Sky — with more data sources planned for future releases — WotW lets you plot out a route up to three days in advance, then creates a forecast for points along that route, for the times you'll be driving through them. You'll get temperatures, precipitation, overall conditions, visibility, wind, and the UV index.
What's more, when you're setting up a route, it can show you alternate paths you can take to get the best weather conditions possible all the way through. How neat is that?! I love how the app looks in dark mode too.
This feels like the kind of thing that should be built into Apple Maps — I wouldn't be surprised if they acquired this one someday. Until then, you can download it for free from the iOS App Store. Some of the features mentioned above are unlocked with a Pro subscription, for which Knapczyk offers five free "Trip credits" so you can try it out without having to sign up for a trial: