The Sketchnote Workbook (Giveaway)
The Sketchnote Workbook is the sequel to Mike Rohde's The Sketchnote Handbook. In the original book, Mike taught you how to use sketchnotes to visually capture ideas and remember key bits of information. In The Sketchnote Workbook he expands on those concepts, showing how to adapt your sketchnote skills to all sorts of areas of life.

The workbook is extremely impressive and its relevance extends far beyond the art and practice of sketchnoting itself. The chapter topics cover idea generation, idea mapping, planning, documentation, journaling, and more. And there are some excellent ideas and advice in there related to general ideation, planning, and productivity that you don't have to be a sketch noter to take advantage of.
At the end of the week we'll be giving away a copy of The Sketchnote Workbook to someone on our newsletter list. If you've signed up for our newsletter, then you're already good to to. If you're not on the list you can sign up below. On Friday we'll pick someone at random and contact them.
Update (Oct 10, 2014): The winner has been picked.
P.S. We've got more giveaways all this month. Each wednesday we'll post about them.