The Great Discontent Magazine, Issue 1

The Great Discontent is one of my absolute favorite web publications. Their interviews with creative people from all over the web can often be inspiring, entertaining, touching, and even funny. The site is quite beautiful and features some excellent photography. (I love the site so much that I was inspired to begin conducting some interviews of my own a while back.)

And now, the folks behind TGDRyan and Tina Essmaker—are teaming up with designer Frank Chimero to take the site full-time and print a physical magazine that features a select compilation of these interviews. To get the project off the ground, they've taken to Kickstarter and are trying to raise $100K in the next month.

There are all sorts of backer rewards to get in on, but $35 is the minimum if you want to get a physical copy of the magazine. If that's too much for you, at least toss in $5 to get the digital PDF/eBook copy. This is a project worth supporting.

We at Tools & Toys truly believe in this project and that Ryan and Tina deserve the chance to do their thing full-time, so do it for us and go help them out.