The 2024 Apple History Calendar by Stephen Hackett [Kickstarter]
Those of you familiar with previous editions of Stephen Hackett's Apple History Wall Calendar are likely already aware that he's launched a Kickstarter for the 2024 edition. For the rest of you, here's a quick summary to catch you up:
- The 2022 calendar marked important dates in Apple hardware history.
- The 2023 calendar celebrated software milestones throughout Apple history.
- And now, the 2024 calendar will complete this trilogy by focusing on the history of Apple's services and retail.
In a blog post, he writes that the dates marked throughout each month of the 2024 calendar “cover everything from Apple’s earliest ideas about the Internet to the latest in its growing collection of services, complete with key dates in the history of the Apple Store as well.”
Like the other two editions, this one measures 20" x 13" and will feature Stephen's own photography of items from his impressive Apple collection.
Moreover, based on your backer level, each calendar can include other goodies, such as copies of those product photos you can use as wallpapers, an .ics file that lets you import the marked dates into your online calendar, and some fun stickers to dress up your own Apple devices with.

As I write this on June 28th, 2023, the Kickstarter has already far exceeded its funding goal and still has 15 days to go. Back the project at the $36 level or higher to receive the physical calendar later this year.