Items tagged as web design

‘The Manual, Everywhere’ on Kickstarter

If you keep up with the web design world at all, you probably already know about The Manual, a design journal started by XOXO Fest cofounder Andy McMillan and with contributions from world-class designers like Frank Chimero and Ethan Marcotte. Each printed edition—of which there are three thus far—contains stories about what it means to design for the web and the people…

‘On Web Typography’ by Jason Santa Maria

This morning the folks at A Book Apart released renowned graphic designer Jason Santa Maria's new book, On Web Typography. The title says it all really, but I'll go ahead and include their own foreword so you know what this is all about. “Typography is your design’s voice and the most powerful tool you have to communicate with your readers. Learn how…

Sketch 3 for Mac

If there's one tool digital designers love to hate, it's Photoshop. It's ideal for editing photos and creating complex graphics, but not so much for designing user interfaces. Sketch is a Mac app specifically designed for building UIs, icons, CSS-friendly web elements, and much more. Today, Sketch updated to version 3, bringing all sorts of new features with it such as "Symbols",…

“HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites” by Jon Duckett

I like to joke that my approach to editing CSS goes something like this: Right-click, 'Inspect Element' Find the appropriate selector Mash the keyboard until it works Needless to say, I can always use a little help when it comes to web design. This book, written by Jon Duckett, is a great resource for such knowledge. There's nothing contained within it that…