Items tagged as waterproof

Olympus TG-3 Digital Camera

For photographers who treat their cameras like the delicate equipment they often are, our current recommendation is the Olympus E-M10 mirrorless camera. But if you need a shooter that can better withstand the elements and still capture amazing shots, you should check out the surprisingly affordable Olympus TG-3. This 16MP all-weather point-and-shoot is tough enough to handle being dropped from 7 feet…

Velo Transit’s Edge 30 Waterproof Backpack

The Edge 30 Backpack by Velo Transit is an ideal bag for cyclists—or really, anyone who ever has to deal with rain while carrying their things around outdoors. The interior lining is RF-welded and thus prevents moisture from leaking in or out. The bag's main enclosure is of the "rolltop" variety, meaning it rolls down when not in-use to keep rain out,…