Studio Neat’s Material Dock for iPhone and Apple Watch
A beautiful new dock milled from solid walnut wood and with backing panels made from molded cork.
Miniot Contour Wooden Case for iPhone
Made from carefully selected walnut wood, meticulously fused with a rim of dense maple for extra strength and a touch of finesse.
Mogu-Kagu Wooden Coasters
Handmade wooden coasters with a whimsically curved corner that makes them easier to grab and pick up.
J.B. Camera Designs’ Wooden Grips for Mirrorless Cameras
Camera grips fashioned from aluminum and either bamboo or walnut, providing full access to your battery and memory card while also protecting the bottom of your camera.
Grovemade Wooden Keyboard Tray
A great way organize your workspace and make it a little handsomer all at once.
Nordic Appeal MacBook Wall Desk
A MacBook stand and standing desk, all in one.
elago W2 Stand for iPhone and iPad mini
A simple and elegant way to hold an iPhone or iPad mini at an angle on your desk. Ideal for FaceTime calls and working with stylii.
Grovemade iPhone Dock
A beautiful steel-and-wood dock that offers true one-handed use. (Be warned though; the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus editions have no set release date as of Feb 7th, 2015.)
Twelve South BookArc möd
A beautiful hardwood version of the original steel BookArc stand for MacBook.