Transmit 5 for Mac
The best Mac file transfer app around is faster than ever and supports ten new cloud services. And that's only scratching the surface.
The best Mac file transfer app around is faster than ever and supports ten new cloud services. And that's only scratching the surface.
The folks at Panic have delivered again with Prompt 2 for iOS. Prompt 2 is a great SSH client for iOS. It supports touch ID, Panic Sync, and has a new clipping feature to saved your most frequently used commands.
In 2008, our editor Shawn Blanc wrote this about Transmit, the awesome file-transfer app for Mac: What sets Transmit apart, is that it works great for everyone: the single-blog publisher, to the large-scale website developer. Transmit’s interface and usability is clean, easy to understand and works without fail, time after time. And that’s just the beginning. Transmit is packed to the brim…