Items tagged as tidbits

‘Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac’ by Andy Affleck

The recently-released third edition of Andy Affleck's ebook Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac brings the book into the current era of podcasting. It now covers: Recording and editing with GarageBand 10 and Audacity New information about recording Skype conversations Step-by-step instructions on recording with an iOS device New profiles of experienced podcasters, including Chuck Joiner, Louis Trapani, Kelly Guimont, and…

Take Control of 1Password

When I recently recommended 1Password, I mentioned a few of its features but there is so much more to the app than I could possibly cover here. That's why you should pick up a copy of TidBITS senior editor Joe Kissell's eBook, Take Control of 1Password. In this book, Joe takes you from 1Password's initial setup and configuration all the way to…