Items tagged as text editors

Editorial 1.1 for iOS

Editorial, the powerful text editor for iOS, updated to version 1.1 today. It might as well be called 2.0 though, given the sheer number of changes, overhauls, and improvements that went into it. On top of having a redesigned interface for iOS 7, Editorial is now a Universal app so it works on iPhone as well as iPad. Editorial on iPhone is…

WriteRight for iOS

WriteRight is an app for iPhone and iPad that probably won't replace your favorite iOS text editor (cough Editorial cough), but works nicely as a supplemental writing and editing tool. It analyzes your writing and offers synonyms and antonyms for any highlighted text, and will even show alternative ways to phrase a multi-word selection. It understands gender, number, and conjugation, so its…

Textastic for Mac OS X

Textastic, the fantastic iPad text editor is now available for the Mac. The app packs in support for 80 source code and markup languages, iCloud auto-save and OS X's Versions. Built with the ability to import syntax definitions, themes and templates from TextMate, moving to this text editor should be pretty seamless for many users. It's on sale for just $2.99 on…