Items tagged as t-shirts

‘Be Your Self’ T-Shirt

Illustrator Ma'Ruf Sungko Wahyu is running a Cotton Bureau campaign for his 'Be Your Self' t-shirt design. Not much to say about the design other than that I really dig it. Printed on a tri-blend, tri-black American Apparel tee. He only needs to sell twelve of them in the next two weeks for the campaign to succeed. Head over to Cotton Bureau…

‘Nuanced Opinion on Pluto’ T-Shirt

Wherever you stand on the Pluto reclassification issue, you may get as much of a kick from this t-shirt design as I did. If you can't read the front-facing text in the image above, it says: Demoting Pluto to a dwarf planet was a reasonable decision, although the choice of nomenclature was flawed. As of this writing (Aug 14th, 2014) there is…

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