‘Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey’ Soundtrack
Alan Silvestri's original orchestral soundtrack for Cosmos: a Spacetime Odyssey is perfect for those of us who love the TV series and outer space in general.
Alan Silvestri's original orchestral soundtrack for Cosmos: a Spacetime Odyssey is perfect for those of us who love the TV series and outer space in general.
Colonel Chris Hadfield's book, You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes, contains 192 jaw-dropping photos of our pale blue dot as seen from the International Space Station.
China-based Etsy seller CBedroom digitally prints colorful, quite-detailed galaxies and other spacescapes onto both sides of soft satin bedding sets. The printed images are fade-resistant and can be washed by hand or machine, hot or cold. Each set is $148 + intl. shipping and includes: 1 duvet cover (aka comforter) 1 sheet 2 pillow covers
Wherever you stand on the Pluto reclassification issue, you may get as much of a kick from this t-shirt design as I did. If you can't read the front-facing text in the image above, it says: Demoting Pluto to a dwarf planet was a reasonable decision, although the choice of nomenclature was flawed. As of this writing (Aug 14th, 2014) there is…
Add a little sci-fi to your morning cup o' joe.
Man, time really flies. It's already been a year since Commander Chris Hadfield took the world by storm and did that awesome cover of "Space Oddity" while aboard the ISS. Not content to reinvigorate the world's sense of wonder about space and science, the man has also written a top-selling book. An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth is sort of a…
27 years ago today, the space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into flight, killing all seven aboard. While the accident was caused by a faulty o-ring in the shuttle's right solid rocket booster, a much bigger problem at NASA was found by the investigators: NASA had become complacent after decades of routine flights. Discovery's When We Left Earth chronicles manned space flight,…