It's been over a year since we last mentioned 1Password on T&T. Given the recent discovery of the Heartbleed SSL bug that has people all over the internet changing their passwords, now seems a good time to remind everyone why 1Password is awesome. Rather than memorizing a bunch of different, complicated passwords, most people opt to use a single login for everything.…
Deckset is a Mac app for making slide presentations with Markdown. Compose your thoughts in your favorite text editor, send them to Deckset, and it uses one of several themes to give your words a little flair. Deckset recognizes Markdown formatting for headers, code (with automatic syntax highlighting!), blockquotes, and more. You can also add photos and videos to your slides. It…
Instashare is yet another file-sharing app for iOS and Mac. You can send photos, PDFs, and more, all over a local Bluetooth connection (no WiFi or login necessary). The nice part is that the sharing goes both ways; it's not just Mac-to-iOS, but also vice-versa. It's all done via drag-and-drop—about as simple as it gets. The universal iOS app is free (with…
I recently linked to an app called Command-C that allowed you to copy and paste between Mac and iOS devices. It's an awesome thing to have, with one caveat: it won't work on any WiFi networks where multicast has been disabled, and thus, Bonjour connectivity (which is the case at my local coffee shop). In those cases, your devices won't see one…
Thanks to a review by Federico Viticci, I got to hear about an awesome app for Mac and iOS called Command-C. It allows you to push the contents of your clipboard between devices over a local network. Thanks to the backgrounding features of iOS 7, you can share between an iPhone and iPad without even having to open the app on the…
Eastgate, the folks behind note-organization app Tinderbox, have put on a winter holiday sale featuring several awesome writing apps for the Mac. The sale includes Tinderbox itself, Scrivener, Scapple, DEVONthink Pro, and Nisus Writer Pro. In each case, you can use the promo code WINTERFEST2013 to get 25% off the normal price. These are some great apps for writers (especially Scrivener) so…
Sometimes a new writing app comes out that has everybody talking about it for a while. Right now, Writer Pro, the successor to the ever-popular iA Writer, is the new hotness. This app is designed around the four basic stages of any writer's workflow – note-taking, writing, editing, and reading – each of which is represented by a different typeface and color.…
MarkDrop is a new text editor for Mac OS X (10.8 and above) that combines Markdown with Droplr for easy sharing and storage. The left pane, with its monospaced text and format-highlighting, is where you'll do your writing. The right hand pane provides a real-time preview of your Markdown output. Once you've composed something in MarkDrop, it can be saved directly to…
AppViz is a popular sales-tracking tool for iOS developers that I believe dates back to 2009. Yesterday, The Iconfactory announced AppViz 3, the latest and greatest iteration of the service yet. The Mac app has been completely redesigned, with easy-to-understand graphs and statistics about how your apps are doing on the App Store. You can monitor in-app purchases, read reviews of your…
Brett Terpstra's awesome Markdown-preview app for Mac, Marked, has been updated to version 2. For those who don't already know, Marked acts like a sort of extension for any Mac text editor, allowing you to preview your Markdown-formatted plain text in its rich-formatted state, every time you save your document. The preview can be customized to look however you like, even as…
The wonderful folks at VSCO, makers of VSCO Cam for iOS, have released an update to their VSCO Film 01 preset suite for Lightroom 4 & 5 and Adobe Camera Raw 7 & 8. This update adds support for pro-level Sony, Olympus and Leica cameras, in addition to their previous support for Fuji, Canon and Nikon rigs. To celebrate the occasion, they're…
Downcast has long been one of the most popular "podcatcher" apps for iOS (I'm more of an Instacast guy myself, but the fact remains). If you've been wishing for a Mac version of Downcast, you're in luck because it just released today. It's got all the features you'd expect, such as subscription management, importing and exporting of OPML files, auto-updating schedules, smart…
Ember is a brand-new Mac App that wants to be your digital scrapbook. It's a beautiful app made by the same guys who made the Clear to-do list app for Mac and iOS. Even the icon is gorgeous. Browse the web, subscribe to websites, save and share images, annotate those images, post to Tumblr, and generally keep all your favorite stuff from…
Dragon Dictate is one of the most well-known dictation apps for the Mac, due to its accuracy and extensive feature list. Normally it goes for $200, but the guys over at StackSocial are currently offering it at $100 for the next 6 days (ending July 1st, 2013). This is the dictation app used by people like our friend David Sparks. As he'll…
There's no shortage of financial software out there, but most of the options are ugly, hard to use, or both. Enter iBank. The Mac and iOS app suite that blows something like Quicken Essentials out of the water. The app can connect to almost any bank, credit union or savings institution, making it easy and fast to check up on accounts, plan…
(Image courtesy of MacStories) NetNewsWire, one of the most popular RSS apps ever made for the Mac, has just opened up a beta version of it's upcoming 4.0 release to the public. The guys at Black Pixel have been working hard behind the scenes for a while now, updating the interface to mesh well with OS X Mountain Lion and incorporating a…
Chatology is a Mac app that allows you to search your Messages and iChat history, rather than relying on the frustratingly poor search features built into each one. Essentially, it's a well-designed front-end for your Mac's chat logs. You can view your entire chat history with anyone on your list, and it lets you easily narrow down to just the images or…
About a week ago, the guys at Pixelmator released version 2.2 of their popular image editing app, code-named "Blueberry". It was packed with new features, such as smarter shape-selection tools, a palette with drag-and-drop shapes, a new light-leak effect, and a lot more. What they didn't announce until yesterday though was that there was another, more hidden feature built in: Vectormator. Press…
The developers of the popular Screens VNC client for iOS recently released another great utility called Mini Display. The two apps are similar in that they both require a free Mac app to be running, but what Mini Display does differently is turn your iOS device into an external display for the Mac (as long as they're on the same WiFi network),…
Remember back in 2009 when designer Rob Rhyne unveiled an ambitious UI prototyping toolkit for iPhone called Briefs? After several years of waiting, and a couple of rejections by Apple, Briefs has (finally) made its introduction to the public. Briefs for Mac allows app designers to arrange UI elements (such as buttons, toolbars, alerts, text/search fields, etc), entire screens, artwork, and transitions…