Mela — Silvio Rizzi’s New Recipe Manager App for iPhone, iPad, and Mac
From the creator of Reeder comes this brand new recipe app that's already challenging longtime greats.
From the creator of Reeder comes this brand new recipe app that's already challenging longtime greats.
One of the best RSS reader apps now has support for iCloud syncing, in addition to its built-in Read Later service from version 4. No more third-party services necessary!
Built from the ground up on both platforms for your RSS reading pleasure.
Our sister site, The Sweet Setup, released a new app showdown today. Stephen Hackett picked Reeder as his favorite RSS reader for the Mac. Get it on the Mac App Store for $9.99.
Reeder 2, the newest version of the widely beloved RSS reader, is now available on the iOS App Store as a $5 universal app. The interface has been redesigned and looks as beautiful as ever, yet maintains the same sort of UI aesthetic you know and love from the previous version. My favorite thing about this upgrade is that Feed Wrangler is…