Items tagged as reading

Offscreen Magazine (Giveaway)

Offscreen magazine is a quarterly publication focused primarily on the people behind the pixels. It’s mostly comprised of interviews, profiles, a-day-in-the-life-ofs, original essays, and more. And we're giving away a copy of issue number 7 later this week.

Stache for Mac and iOS

My day-to-day bookmarking needs are already covered by Pinboard (and happily so), but I must say Stache is an interesting alternative. It's a brand-new bookmarking app for the Mac that makes it easy to archive entire webpages and find them again later. Unlike Pinboard, which is displayed as a simple list of links, Stache takes a more visual approach by attaching a…

Unread — RSS Reader for iPhone

For a long time now, the only RSS reader I've used on my iPhone has been Reeder. I never imagined another app would come along that would be worth switching to, but that all changed last night with the release of Unread. Unread's philosophy is all about slowing down and really reading things that are worth our attention, not just flying through…

Reconnaissance for iPhone

Reconnaissance for iPhone is a new RSS app that ties into your Feed Wrangler account. It's the first iOS app I've seen designed specifically for Feed Wrangler outside of the official app, and it looks very nice. Actually, it just pushed out a redesign yesterday, which is what you see in the screenshots above. Reconnaissance integrates a little more deeply with Feed…

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