Items tagged as projects

Piper Computer Kit

An educational microcomputer that a kid can assemble, which then teaches them STEM and coding concepts via a custom Minecraft adventure.

‘Maker Dad’ by Mark Frauenfelder

Mark Frauenfelder—editor-in-chief of MAKE and Cool Tools—recently published an awesome book for geeky dads called Maker Dad: Lunch Box Guitars, Antigravity Jars, and 22 Other Incredibly Cool Father-Daughter DIY Projects. As the name suggests, the book contains a bunch of projects intended for fathers and their daughters to have fun building together. These projects teach your kid some important skills (like programming…

“Geek Dad” A Book of Projects for Dads and Kids

Geek Dad is written by engineer, father, nerd, and author of's GeekDad weblog, Ken Denmead. With a son of my own due early next year, this book is full of exactly the sort of projects I'm looking forward to doing. Of course, those days are still a few years down the road for me, but that doesn't mean I'm very excited…