Items tagged as presentations

MacSparky’s ‘Presentations’ Field Guide is Now Available

In case you missed the news back when David Sparks' new Field Guide on presentations was available for pre-order, here's a friendly reminder that the book is now live on the iBookstore. You can watch the trailer here. What I wrote about the book last time still applies, so here it is again: With a primary focus on Apple's Keynote software—and filled…

Presentations — A MacSparky Field Guide

This morning our friend David Sparks announced the newest book in his excellent Field Guides ebook series. It's called Presentations. In a nutshell, this guide will teach you how to make your presentations not suck. With a primary focus on Apple's Keynote software—and filled with more than 30 screencasts, audio interviews, and other rich media assets—David shows you how to plan an…

Deckset for Mac

Deckset is a Mac app for making slide presentations with Markdown. Compose your thoughts in your favorite text editor, send them to Deckset, and it uses one of several themes to give your words a little flair. Deckset recognizes Markdown formatting for headers, code (with automatic syntax highlighting!), blockquotes, and more. You can also add photos and videos to your slides. It…