Items tagged as os x

Pastebot Public Beta for Mac

A versatile clipboard manager for Mac that stores everything you've recently copied so you can quickly retrieve it later, and lets you apply various custom filters to transform text as you paste it.

The Definitive OS X Yosemite Review

John Siracusa's OS X reviews are legendary at this point. With each new version of OS X, he does deep dive into all the changes and upgrades. Before sitting down to use the final version of any OS X update, I always block off a few hours to thoroughly read his lengthy review. His Yosemite review is now available for pre-order on Kindle and iBooks for only $4.99.

OS X Mavericks

Today, Apple released the newest version of OS X, dubbed Mavericks. While I wrote up a whole giant review over on 512 Pixels, I did want to highlight a few of the features here: Better power management: Thanks to things with complicated names like "timer coalescing," OS X Mavericks should run longer than Mountain Lion on notebooks. iBooks: Apple's brought the iBookStore…

LaunchBar 5: Application Launcher for OS X

Keyboard-centric application launchers are becoming more and more popular. There are three big ones: Quicksilver, Alfred, and LaunchBar. What many people may not know is that LaunchBar is the original application launcher — it dates all the way back to NeXT. Like many, however, my introduction to application launchers began with Quicksilver many years ago. But in 2009 I began using LaunchBar…