Items tagged as minimal

iA Writer for Mac and iOS

If writing is on your list of New Year's Resolutions, and you use Apple products, you should check out iA Writer. The app is minimal and easy to use. Powered by iCloud (or Dropbox, if that's your thing), it syncs text quickly and easily between devices. It has full Markdown support, but here's the kicker: it has no preferences. Instead, iA Writer…

Lifta Desk Organizer

I'm currently using an old Apple IIGS to keep my Cinema Display up at the correct height. However, there are far better options. The Lifta Desk Organizer is a fine-looking stand that not only keeps things ergonomically correct, but even offers a place to store peripherals. Available in early 2013, the $95 desk accessory can be pre-ordered in plywood, oak, or (my…