Items tagged as magazines

Offscreen Magazine (Giveaway)

Offscreen magazine is a quarterly publication focused primarily on the people behind the pixels. It’s mostly comprised of interviews, profiles, a-day-in-the-life-ofs, original essays, and more. And we're giving away a copy of issue number 7 later this week.

Lagom Magazine

'Lagom' is a brand-new lifestyle magazine co-founded by Elliot Jay Stocks and Samantha Stocks. "Lagom” is a Swedish word meaning “balance"—such as that between work and play—and the magazine is all about people making a living out of their passions. A fitting name indeed.

‘The Manual, Everywhere’ on Kickstarter

If you keep up with the web design world at all, you probably already know about The Manual, a design journal started by XOXO Fest cofounder Andy McMillan and with contributions from world-class designers like Frank Chimero and Ethan Marcotte. Each printed edition—of which there are three thus far—contains stories about what it means to design for the web and the people…

Ugmonk T-Shirt + Offscreen Mag Bundle

I guess it's a t-shirt kind of day. Ugmonk has partnered with Offscreen Mag to create a limited-time bundle featuring their iconic Mountains tee and a single Offscreen issue of your choice (#5, #6, #7, or #8). Two of our favorite things bundled into a single package, and for just $32? Yes please.

The Great Discontent Magazine, Issue 1

The Great Discontent is one of my absolute favorite web publications. Their interviews with creative people from all over the web can often be inspiring, entertaining, touching, and even funny. The site is quite beautiful and features some excellent photography. (I love the site so much that I was inspired to begin conducting some interviews of my own a while back.) And…