Log Bowls
These log bowls are handmade from reclaimed Canadian wood by the Loyal Loot Collective in Alberta, Canada. What a fine way to display and hold stuff (Like candy. Hello!) this fall. Sizes and colors vary.
These log bowls are handmade from reclaimed Canadian wood by the Loyal Loot Collective in Alberta, Canada. What a fine way to display and hold stuff (Like candy. Hello!) this fall. Sizes and colors vary.
We know that you know that the best way to keep your roasted coffee beans fresh is to store them in an airtight container that doesn't see any sunlight. Most coffee aficionados find the nearest jar with an airtight lid and call it good. But after you've closed that jar what about all the air that is still inside it? That's where…
If you’re persnickety about your coffee and brew some every day then the AeroPress may be your cup of tea. I own a drip coffee maker, a Turkish coffee maker, two french presses, a stove-top espresso maker, a siphon, and an AeroPress. The latter makes a cup of coffee as delicious as you'll get from a french press or siphon, yet with…
Crate&Barrel (a.k.a. The Helvetica Store) has, in my opinion, some of the finest glassware you can buy. So many of their pieces have a unique and classy style, and these Granda Glasses are no exception. They are handmade from recycled glass with swirls of orange, red, yellow, and turquoise. Available as a 19 oz. Highball and 11 oz. Double Old Fashioned .
Regardless of whether you make coffee in a french press, an AeroPress, or a Siphon Vacuum Pot, you're going to need to stir those grounds. Those who know better will tell you that a metal spoon or knife is rubbish for such a task — it steals heat from the brewing liquid and it's just not wise to go around banging a…
No living room is complete without a set of coasters to protect your coffee table while showing your guests you have class. And nothing says class more than a set of classic yet fun coasters. Especially this argyle-patterned set which is laser cut from bamboo.
These delicate mugs work wonders to keep your coffee or tea hotter for longer. Which has been known to make your morning better and your day a little bit brighter. And between you and me, that's something we could all use more of.