Items tagged as gaming

Amazon Fire TV

Fire TV is Amazon's new $99 media-streaming and gaming box for HDTVs. Like its competitors—such as the Apple TV, Chromecast, and Roku—Fire TV can stream from a number of services like Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video, YouTube, Pandora, and more. One feature that sets it apart is the remote control's built-in mic, which allows you to hold a button and search…

SteelSeries Stratus Wireless Game Controller

Announced at CES 2014, the SteelSeries Stratus is a wireless controller designed for playing iOS games. The Xbox-like controller design will be instantly familiar to any modern gamer, right down to the twin analog sticks and four shoulder buttons. Up to four of these can be connected to a single iOS device for multiplayer games. Eli Hodapp of TouchArcade reviewed the Stratus,…