Yesterday, the guys at introduced a webfont project they're calling Cloud.typography, and it looks fantastic. This appears to be their answer to services like Typekit, and includes the entire H&FJ typeface collection. You know how the default fonts in Check the Weather and Vesper are Idlewild and Ideal Sans, respectively? Yeah, they're both included with this service, along with a lot…
Longtime readers may remember Mike Rohde's The Sketchnote Handbook, a guide to taking better notes by sketching rather than writing. If you liked the book, you're gonna love The Sketchnote Typeface. Mike created this typeface by scanning actual ink-spread on paper to make it more authentic. Of course, he did it to save himself a lot of work while writing the book…
Fixed-width fonts are a major point of contention between nerds. While I use Consolas in my text editor and terminal, not everyone likes it. Well, there's one more typeface entering the fray — Courier Prime. The new (free!) font comes from the guys over at Quote-Unquote apps, a firm all about screenplay software. In fact, Courier Prime is designed for use in screenplays.…