Items tagged as ebooks

‘The Manual, Everywhere’ on Kickstarter

If you keep up with the web design world at all, you probably already know about The Manual, a design journal started by XOXO Fest cofounder Andy McMillan and with contributions from world-class designers like Frank Chimero and Ethan Marcotte. Each printed edition—of which there are three thus far—contains stories about what it means to design for the web and the people…

Oyster Books

Let's see...we've got Netflix for movies, and Spotify/Rdio for music, but what about books? Ah, here we go: Oyster Books. Imagine if you had could fit an entire library in your bag or pocket, with a personalized list of reading material put together by yourself — that's what Oyster Books is. For $10/month (the price you might pay for a single ebook),…

Evernote Essentials 4

Evernote's a great tool, but it can be confusing. Between tags, notebooks, stacks and search, there are a lot of different ways to use the application. Over the years, Brett Kelly's Evernote Essentials has been the go-to book for how to get started and excel at Evernote. Today, with version 4, Evernote Essentials is better than ever. Chock-full of hints, use cases,…

The Writer’s iPad

Despite what critics claim, the iPad is a device made for creation. In his new book, Thord Daniel Hedengren discusses iOS' built-in apps, third-party apps, keyboards and details about cloud services. In it, he builds the case that iOS — and the iPad — is a great writing tool. The one-app-at-a-time model can cut down on distractions, and the iPad's great battery…

‘Your First iOS App’ eBook

Ash Furrow is a well-known iOS app developer with a great goal: teaching people how to program. His Indiegogo project is all about it, in fact. Ash's new project is an ebook titled Your First iOS App. In it, Ash will cover the basics of Objective-C and iOS-specific topics. It's more than a book, however. Here's what Ash's project entails: In exchange…

Frictionless Freelancing

I — like Shawn and Chris — have projects we consider side work or freelance. For my part, isn't much, but it is enough that it can spiral out of control if I don't manage it well. I think that's true for most people who do freelance, actually. Thankfully, we don't have to do it alone. Freelance designer, editor and all-around-nice-guy Aaron Mahnke…