Items tagged as comics

Skottie Young’s ‘Daily Grind’ Sketchbook

You comic book aficionados out there are probably already familiar with Skottie Young's illustration work. If not, a good starting point is the charming Fortunately, the Milk, a book he worked on with Neil Gaiman. This morning, Skottie released his new sketchbook, Daily Grind, which collects about 100 of his black-and-white daily sketches that he hand-picked from his archive. It's a limited-print…

Zen Pencils Poster Store

I'm a huge fan of the site Zen Pencils, where illustrator Gavin Aung Than takes famous inspirational quotes and turns them into awesome cartoons. He just reopened his online store with redesigned versions of his popular poster designs, my favorite being this one. Gavin himself describes the new posters best: “The quality of the posters are incredible. They’re printed on heavy duty…

‘Fortunately, the Milk’ by Neil Gaiman

Fortunately, the Milk is a children's book written by Neil Gaiman—and illustrated by one of my favorite comic artists, Skottie Young—that tells the tale of a father who goes out to buy some milk and returns with a wild story for his kids to hear. The premise sounds silly, and the book is certainly full of silly events. But it's also a…

‘Flight’ Graphic Novel Series

Those of you already familiar with the world of graphic novels likely need no introduction to the excellent Flight series, but it's a great place for newbies old and young alike to dive in. Each volume in the series is an anthology, featuring short stories contributed by various cartoonists. These stories are often warm, inviting, and have the same sense of wonder…

CreatureBox Monster Volume

CreatureBox, who I discovered through Instagram a while back, is the art studio behind the Ratchet & Clank video game series. I absolutely love their artwork (clearly inspired by Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin & Hobbes), which is why I'm super excited that they've collected a bunch of it into something they call The Monster Volume. If you like comic book-style…