Items tagged as books

“Geek Dad” A Book of Projects for Dads and Kids

Geek Dad is written by engineer, father, nerd, and author of's GeekDad weblog, Ken Denmead. With a son of my own due early next year, this book is full of exactly the sort of projects I'm looking forward to doing. Of course, those days are still a few years down the road for me, but that doesn't mean I'm very excited…

The Art of Pixar

The Art of Pixar is now shipping and it looks fantastic. It's a thick, hardcover, book that's jam packed with behind-the-scenes tours of every Pixar film to date. For the first time ever, this book has the complete color scripts for every film published, as well as samples of the visual development art. Moreover, it's sure to be added to the short…

“Steve Jobs” – Official Biography by Walter Isaacson

The official biography of Steve Jobs. Jobs was a very private person, yet his bio is said to be full of stories and information that have never been told before. My wife and I both love to read biographies. It is the ultimate look into how someone lived, what was important to them, how they prioritized their time and energy, and what…

“Brand Thinking” Book by Debbie Millman

Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits is a new book by Debbie Millman. In it Millman interviews 20 leading designers and thinkers in branding, including some of my favorites, Malcom Gladwell and Seth Godin. Also available in the iBookstore.

The Amazon Kindle Touch

Small, thin, lightweight, E Ink, touch screen, 2 months of battery, 4GB of storage, and only $99. This is the first Kindle I have owned and I have found it to be fantastic.

“EntreLeadership” by Dave Ramsey

My wife and I read Dave Ramsey's book, The total Money Makeover, shortly after we got married, and it was instrumental in helping us get out of debt. I have much respect for Dave's faith in God, his values and character, and his approach to life and finances. His newest book, EntreLeadership, is available today. I've already downloaded it and am very…

Making Ideas Happen

Scott Belsky’s book, Making Ideas Happen, is centered around Thomas Edison’s famous quote that Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Scott writes with a fondness towards the creative professional, and this book is a tool to help take the constant ideas we have from inception to reality. For many of us there seems to be no shortage of ideas,…

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

Reading Natalie’s book is a lot like sitting in on a question and answer time where people ask all the right questions and she gives all the right answers. You don’t have to read the book front to back. The chapters are short and fast and can be read completely out of order because each one is its own nugget of advice…

Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations

Given to me one Christmas from my crazy uncle, this is a book I return to often. The first edition of Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations was compiled by John Bartlett in 1855 and was a mere 258 pages thick. Now in its 17th edition it weighs in at 1,500 pages. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations is jam packed with interesting, inspirational, and memorable quotes. It…

The Little Red Writing Book

The Little Red Writing Book is a delightful resource for structure, style, and readability in your writing. The chapters are short, clever, and fun, and the book is illustrated and type-set with great care. If you want to write better, I highly recommend The Little Red Writing Book — it's informative and a pleasure to read. (Also available on the iBookstore.)