Sponsor: Appoint – the calendar that works for you
Finally, a calendar app for iOS that is a real tool, not a toy.
Appoint 2.3 is primarily aimed at people with busy schedules and little time. The app’s clever auto-completion engine prefills information based on past events. That means less typing in favor of a few, quick swipes. Awesome.
Enter time naturally (“9-12am”, “1:30pm”), even in international locales
Discover scheduling conflicts and resolve them in a tap
Drag & drop to reschedule or duplicate events
Powerful search and filter functions in any field, and any view
Works with iCloud, Google, Exchange, or any service supported by iOS
Appoint sports professionally designed color palettes that fit in beautifully with iOS 7 — or you can create custom themes yourself. Version 2.3 just released.
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Our thanks to Appoint calendar for sponsoring the RSS feed this week.