Ryan Holiday’s “Summum Bonum” Medallion
If you're a fan of Ryan Holiday's books or the practice of stoicism in general, you'll dig the new Summum Bonum medallion he's started selling at the Daily Stoic online store. (It's actually the latest in a series of Stoic-inspired coins, which would altogether make a pretty cool collection.)
This little everyday carry piece can be carried as a constant reminder to always stand up for what's right, no matter how hard the world tries to push or pull you from that path. From the coin's description:
This new coin is a bright, shining reminder of virtue. The front of the coin features an iconic rendition of Arete in Ephesus.
The back shows Marcus’s simple reminder:
“Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter.”
The phrase is ringed, as if by sentries protecting this essential truth, by Marcus’s reminders that virtue is the answer in all circumstances.
Cold or warm. Tired or well-rested. Despised or honored. Dying or Busy.

At 26.2 grams, the coin weighs a tiny bit more than a single AA battery would — just enough to sense in your pocket without being obtrusive. Each coin is custom minted by Wendell's in Minneapolis, who've been doing this sort of thing since 1882.
The medallion arrives in a velvet ring box, accompanied by an info card explaining what the coin is all about — handy for when you gift it to someone.
Get your coin for $26 at the Daily Stoic Store.