‘Perennial Seller’ by Ryan Holiday

Success then isn’t something you’re after for a month or two. You want to be evergreen. To sell for decades. To be classic. To make the backlist. To be a perennial seller.

Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday's latest book, Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts, is a celebration of products, makers, and art that aspire to be more than a flash in the pan — or as our editor Shawn Blanc puts it, “a breath in the wind” — but rather stand the test of time.

In the book, Holiday examines what makes something continue to be popular for years (or even generations) after its initial unveiling. What exactly is it that draws people to such a thing time and time again, and how can you go about making sure your thing achieves the same kind of success and longevity?

From the initial creative/making phase to the marketing/promoting phase and onto the building of your career, he teaches you to forego fads and instant validation and instead tap into the stuff that really matters so you can make a lasting impact with whatever it is you make. You could be the one to write the next classic novel people will read a hundred years from now, and you can do things today to ensure you're not depending solely on luck to get there.

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