Netac ZX20 USB 3.2 Gen 2 Portable SSD

A recent payment issue I had with one of my longtime online backup services has reminded me of the importance of having physical backups of my most critical files. In case you need a similar reminder, allow me to point you to the Netac ZX20 external SSD, which clearly takes some design inspiration from the SanDisk Extreme V2 but costs a bit less while offering even faster file transfers.

Available in 1 TB ($87) and 512 GB ($55) sizes, the ZX20 offers blazing fast read and write speeds (2000MB/s and 1700MB/s, respectively), so not only can it handle your photos/videos and other vital files quickly and efficiently, it will also do great for managing your media collection — games, movies, whatever — without breaking a sweat.


The ZX20 boasts a robust shock-resistant aluminum housing with a reinforced inner frame, so you can trust that your files are safe, wherever the drive goes. It also comes with two cables for your convenience: 1 USB-C to USB-C, and 1 USB-C to USB-A.

Shop the Netac ZX20 on Amazon.