Regardless of what others may tell you, no amount of everyday carry will make you a more productive person. However, a few key items can still be helpful when you need to stay focused and timely wherever you go.

The 2018 Hobonichi Techo planner. ($26 + intl. shipping)
Year after year, the Hobonichi Techo continues to be one of the most thoughtfully designed planners we've ever used. Every detail within makes it a delight to use, as we outlined here.
To add an extra touch of class and protection to your planner, check out One Star Leather's covers on Etsy.
Pilot MR-series fountain pen. ($10–$20, generally)
This is a great, stylish, entry-level fountain pen. It's sleek yet relatively inexpensive, feels solid and natural to write with, and has a generous ink capacity for its small stature. We listed all of the color/nib options available here.
Mondaine "SBB Essence" watch. ($175)
What better way to master your timekeeping than wearing a watch modeled after the official clocks of Switzerland's national railway company? It's even made from sustainable materials like castor oil, natural rubber, and recycled PET bottles, so it's a purchase you can feel good about.
B&O Beoplay H9i wireless noise-cancelling headphones. ($499)
A pair of active noise-cancelling headphones can help keep your head down and focused wherever you're getting work done. These wireless over-ear ones from Bang & Olufsen not only get the job done, but also bring luxurious comfort and visual appeal to the table. Read more about them here.
For more everyday carry inspiration, check out the rest of our EDC guides here.