‘Coffee Makers’ Book by Enrico Maltoni and Mauro Carli
If you are at all interested in the history of coffee maker design, you need to pick up a copy of Enrico Maltoni and Mauro Carli's simply titled book, Coffee Makers. I first heard of it in a James Hoffmann video in which he discusses the origins of the moka pot:
As he mentions, this is a stunning book for coffee nerds to pore over. The enormous tome features 2,700 images (including not only machines themselves but also technical drawings, advertising postcards, original patents, and more), 2,080 detailed captions, and a whole bunch of historical research covering every period of coffee-making over the past 400 years.

The book is unavailable on Amazon as I write this on January 23rd, 2022. However, you can head to the book's official site and order a copy there for €100 (~$114 USD) + €50 (~$57 USD) international shipping. And yes, I know that's a pretty penny.