Best Made Co. Map of the Constellations
“Having spent enough nights bivouacked under clear and cloudless skies, it only made sense that when it came time to designing our own map, it would be of the stars.”
The Map of the Constellations by Best Made Co. is a stellar (heh) gift to give the stargazer in your family this holiday season. Charting the stars of the northern and southern hemispheres, the map measures 3' x 2¼' and includes diagrams of...
- The Earth's axis
- Phases of the moon
- Solstices and equinoxes
- Eclipses (relative to the positions of the sun, moon, and earth)
- Illustrations of the more notable satellites throughout the years (including Hubble, Voyager 1, Mars Global Surveyor, and more)
Here's a great photo of it in the field by Best Made founder Peter Buchanan-Smith:

Get the map for $38 at Best Made Co.