“Bedchill” Connected Overbed Rolling Table [Kickstarter]
Two facts about me:
- I work from home (i.e. my RV) a lot.
- My primary work device is an iPad Air 2.
Sometimes, I end up doing work while sitting upright on the bed, back propped up with pillows and the iPad sitting on my lap. Sounds like it'd be a comfy arrangement, right? I would've thought so too, but it's honestly one of the least ergonomic modes I've tried, especially for my neck.
The Bedchill is a Kickstarter project that immediately piqued my interest. It's a rolling overbed table with some really neat features built in:
- Four power outlets — two on either side — in the type of your choice (depending on where you live in the world).
- Four USB ports, also arranged as two on either side.
- Two LED lights, the colors and brightness of which is adjustable via remote control.
- Two stereo Bluetooth speakers, also controllable with a remote.
- Two storage drawers to keep extra stuff within easy reach.
- Retractable electric cable, which can be run on either side of your bed.

With this thing set up, your bed not only becomes a comfortable workspace, but also a great place to eat, watch movies, read books, listen to music...in essence, enjoy your bed like never before.
Watch the promo video:
I need one of these in my life. If you feel the same, you can go back the project to get in on the action when the project is successfully funded in a few days (as of June 10th, 2018).
There are different sizes for various types of beds, which will affect the backer level you'll be working with. The levels will run you anywhere from ~$303 to ~$464 USD.