Breville BMF600XL “Milk Cafe” Electric Milk Frother
Just about every morning, I kick on my espresso machine, go through the ritual of pulling a timed and weighted double-shot, and steam a pitcher of milk to pour over it and make a cortado.
In fact, here's this morning's result in my “Night Sky” Loveramics cup:

As much as I enjoy this process for myself, I know not everyone is into the idea of buying and learning an espresso machine. Some people just want to brew coffee in their preferred way and maybe add some frothed milk to it once in a while.
I've recommended a handheld frother in such cases before, but we can get even ~fancier~ with it by using an electric one like the Breville Milk Cafe.
This versatile 25-ounce (3-cup) frothing machine uses induction heating and a spinning whisk to create small bubbles in whatever milk you add, resulting in a velvety smooth and satisfyingly rich drinking experience. In addition to frothing milk alone, you can also try adding in some high-quality drinking chocolate — in powder, flake, or syrup form — to prepare the creamiest and most decadent hot chocolate.
The custom temperature dial is responsible for a lot of the magic here, giving you the ability to select any temperature between 100°F and 180°F, or to simply cold-stir the milk if you want to make your iced coffees a bit more luxurious.
You also get two different whisk attachments for making different styles of foam. The latte whisk excels at frothing alternative milks thanks to its subtle introduction of air, and the cappuccino whisk delivers thick and creamy foam for indulgent beverages.
The frother's dishwasher-safe pitcher ensures easy cleanup, while handy features like cord storage and a magnetic spot for whisk storage add to its convenience.
Elevate your home coffee game by picking up the Breville Milk Cafe for $160 on Amazon.