‘Wool’ by Hugh Howey — Omnibus Edition

Thanks to a recommendation from Sid O’Neill a while back, I found out about a series of sci-fi books by Hugh Howey called Wool. I finally picked up the omnibus edition (which collects books 1-5) over the weekend, and I was hooked from the get-go. Finished it just yesterday, and can’t wait to pick up the next entry in the series.

Wool is a post-apocalyptic story about people who are forced to live within a giant silo underground, forbidden from ever speaking of going outside lest they be granted that very wish. Cameras aboveground provide the silo’s tenants a constant view of the ruined, poisonous landscape that can kill within seconds.

I would share more details about the story, but I don’t want to give anything away. It’s the kind of book that teases you along with twist after twist until the very last page, and it’s hard to put down.

The Wool omnibus is available in all the usual editions: