What I Use for iPhone Photography

These are the gadgets I use when it’s time to shoot a photo or video with my iPhone.


ōlloclip The ōlloclip was all the rage amongst our group at Macworld. They had a booth on the Expo floor and were completely sold out before lunch on the third day. I picked one up and have really be loving it. The macro and wide angle lenses are just great and make a the already stellar camera in the iPhone 4S that much better. What’s nice about the ōlloclip is that it doesn’t require a case. And since I prefer my iPhone to be sans-case this little 3-in-1 lens kit is ideal and it easily fits into your pants pocket or bag.

Joby GorillaPod Hybrid

Joby GorillaPod Hybrid — Camera and iPhone Tripod My only camera is my iPhone 4S. Also, my only video camera is my iPhone 4S. After fabricating the world’s worst camera mount to shoot a video I decided it was time to get a bit more official. I recently ordered this GorillaPod Hybrid tripod stand from Joby. I got the hybrid model because the head is ultra maneuverable an it has a built-in level so you know that your camera is even. And so, combined with the Glyph and Serif (see below), the GorillaPod becomes a great little tripod for my iPhone 4S.

The Glif+

Glif+ The Glif is a small and simple accessory for mounting my iPhone to my Joby GorillaPod. With the “serif” to hold the iPhone in place I can mount the iPhone any which way. The Glif also acts as a little kickstand to prop the iPhone up for watching movies, using FaceTime, etc. Though I nearly always simply have it attached to the Joby.

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