S&W Manufacturing Wall-Mounted Thread Checker

Anyone who’s made a run to the hardware store to pick up some specific nuts or bolts has likely made use of the thread checker displays they have there. Did you know you can simply buy one of your own to mount in your garage or workshop?

It’s the exact same thing you’ll find in places like Home Depot or Lowe’s — an easily referenced wall display where you can check the threads and lengths of the most common nuts, bolts, and screws, in both metric and imperial sizes. Never again will you have to sort through your pile of miscellaneous fasteners without a clue what’s what.

I do lots of automotive work (rock crawler, Baja car, etc.) and tons of work around the house. This is hands down one of the best [Christmas gifts] I have asked for. You don’t always need it but when you do it is amazing. I can check check a bolt, tell the wife exactly what I need, and she can run to Ace for me; this saves me tons of time when I’m in the middle of hanging control arms on the car for example.

TL;DR This gift is ridiculously underrated and unbelievably useful.

u/Addhoc_303 (Reddit)

The display is pre-drilled for easy wall placement and is mounted on durable ½” PVC foam board (aka “Sintra”), which is rather flexible in nature and thus might arrive a little warped, but it’s simple enough to bend back the right away and make flush with your wall/door/whatever.

Get this handy thread checker reference guide for $75 on Amazon. You’ll get countless uses out of it, so that high price won’t feel so bad a few years from now.