RESQME Keychain Car Escape Tool
⤷ 🗂️ Filed under: “Hope I Never Have to Use This”
If you ever find yourself in the extremely unlikely circumstance of being trapped in a car that’s fallen into deep water or caught on fire somehow, you’ll need a tool that can help you get out of the thing so you can get to safety as soon as possible.
The RESQME escape tool is a compact two-in-one option that fits on a keychain or can be hung from a rearview mirror or headrest leg — and it could one day save your life.
Built into the body of the RESQME is a sharp knife blade (revealed by pulling off the keyring clip) that can quickly and cleanly slice through a jammed seatbelt, ideally at a diagonal.
On the end of the tool is a plunger mechanism that, when pressed against the corner of a car window (driver or passenger, NOT windshield), releases a hidden spring-loaded stainless steel spike to shatter the glass. Much easier to work with in a water-flooded vehicle than trying to swing a hammer-style window breaker.
The RESQME is just $10 on Amazon. A no-brainer purchase if you ask me.