Pushpin for Pinboard — iOS 7 Edition

This won’t be the first time we’ve talked about Pushpin for Pinboard, but I wanted to bring it up again for a couple of reasons:

  1. The release of Pushpin 3.0 a few weeks ago brought a completely overhauled interface to the app (particularly noticeable on iPad), along with lots of new features, such as renewed TextExpander Touch support and the addition of full-text search capabilities for those of us who have the Pinboard archival upgrade.

  2. I was recently invited to write an article for our sister site, The Sweet Setup, about the best Pinboard app for iOS. (Spoiler alert: Pushpin won.)

I invite everyone to go read that TSS article, because it describes all the reasons why Pinboard users should check out Pushpin. I’ve gotten some reader feedback about Pushpin’s $10 price tag, and although I think it’s worth the money, I understand why people would be hesitant.

If you can’t swing the $10 on something like this, but you still want an awesome Pinboard client, Pinswift is also very good and it’s only $5.