Pre-order the Rockler Miter-Fold Dado Set
Rockler's upcoming Miter-Fold Dado Set is going to be an awesome tool for woodworkers when it comes out. The set's primary, custom-made carbide saw blade lets you fold a single sheet of plywood into a neat, seamless box with just four cuts, resulting in a strong, clean joint with almost no sanding required. Anyone who makes a lot of drawers and/or custom boxes is gonna love this thing.
You can quickly see it in action here:
Here's a closer look at how the miter fold joint comes together:

Look how beautifully the wood grain flows through that corner.
And here's a more in-depth look at the making of the blades, plus how well the wood corners hold up after being adjoined:
The Miter Fold Dado Set is slated to release on May 31st, 2017 and can be pre-ordered for $350 at Rockler. Even at this early date (January 30th) the pre-orders have been going fast, so if you want one by summer, get on it now.