Pre-order ‘The Origin of (almost) Everything’ by New Scientist

The Origin of (almost) Everything is an upcoming book from the folks at New Scientist — primarily Executive Editor Graham Lawton — and illustrator Jennifer Daniel, whose personal site has both the best URL and the most frightening photo of her.

If you’ve ever wondered where anything in the universe (and in our world) actually came from, this will be the book for you:

Did you know, for instance, that if you were to get too close to a black hole it would suck you up like a noodle (it’s called spaghettification), why your keyboard is laid out in QWERTY (it’s not to make it easier to type) or why animals never evolved wheels? New Scientist does.

And now they and award-winning illustrator Jennifer Daniel want to take you on a colorful, whistle-stop journey from the start of our universe (through the history of stars, galaxies, meteorites, the Moon and dark energy) to our planet (through oceans and weather and oil) and life (through dinosaurs to emotions and sex) to civilization (from cities to alcohol and cooking), knowledge (from alphabets to alchemy) ending up with technology (computers to rocket science).

What’s even cooler is that Stephen Hawking wrote the foreword, so if you’re a science nerd at all, you know you’re in for a treat.

The book is slated for release on October 25th, 2016. Pre-order it in one of these editions: