Pre-order ‘Splatoon 3’ for Nintendo Switch

Just over a month from now, Nintendo Switch gamers will be treated to the release of Splatoon 3, the follow-up to the mega-popular sequel from 2017. Here’s what I wrote about that game:

Yes, it’s technically a “shooter”, but there are no bullets or blood — in this game, your weapon is ink. The “Turf War” game mode has two teams of four players battling to claim territory by “inking” as much of the ground as possible in their teams’ respective colors in three minutes. Players can splat one another as well, but rather than dying, they simply disappear and go back to respawn.


In terms of in-game communication, there’s no voice chat or anything built into the game. Teammates can only communicate with one another though a handful of simple emotes like Booyah! and Ouch! As far as shooter games go, Splatoon 2 is as kid-friendly as they come.

Splatoon 3 promises to bring more of the same zany ink-splatting action to the Switch, along with a revamped co-op mode (aka “Salmon Run Next Wave”), new weapons (like the “Tri-Stringer” triple-shooting bow and arrow), a new desert region to explore called the Splatlands, and an all-new single-player story mode that should be fun to try out whenever a break is needed from those crazy online battles.


This gameplay video should give you a nice taste of what to expect:

Splatoon 3 is set to release for Nintendo Switch on September 9th, 2022 and can be pre-ordered now for $60 on Amazon.