‘Maker Dad’ by Mark Frauenfelder

Mark Frauenfelder—editor-in-chief of MAKE and Cool Tools—recently published an awesome book for geeky dads called Maker Dad: Lunch Box Guitars, Antigravity Jars, and 22 Other Incredibly Cool Father-Daughter DIY Projects.

As the name suggests, the book contains a bunch of projects intended for fathers and their daughters to have fun building together. These projects teach your kid some important skills (like programming and musicality) and hopefully impart an appreciation for the sciences.

Here are some things you'll learn to do and build:

  • 'Drawbot', a device that draws abstract patterns
  • 'Friendstrument', an electronic musical instrument friends can play together
  • Antigravity jar
  • Silkscreened t-shirt
  • Retro arcade video game
  • Host a podcast
  • Lunchbox guitar
  • Kite video camera

The book is available from Amazon in paperback form ($13) and Kindle edition ($6).