Magzter Gold

Do you love magazines? If so, Magzter Gold might be a service that you want to check out. It’s an all you can eat subscription for magazines. For only $9.99 per month, you can read everything they offer. They have a decent selection (2000+). After telling the app what kind of magazines I liked, I was recommended ESPN, Inc, MacLife and Fast Company. They have compiled a list of what magazines are included in the Gold subscription.

The app works pretty well. There is a nice carousel style interface. If you drill down a level, it allows you to download an issue offline. I like how it combines all your magazines into one app. You can also “favorite” magazines so that you easily access your favorites.

I’m surprised Apple hasn’t tried to do something similar with Newstand on iOS. If you don’t want to pay $9.99/mo, they do have a $4.99/month that gives you access to five magazines a month. If you have existing paper subscriptions, you won’t be able to authenticate within this app like you can on the actual app from the publisher. At this price, there is really no reason to keep the paper option, though.

Get Magzter on the App Store.