Honeydue — A Couples Finance App for iPhone

Honeydue is an iPhone app that offers a way for couples to manage money together. They’ve designed it to be as simple as possible for you and your partner to work as a team to track individual and joint accounts, share balances and activity, and coordinate bill reminders and budgets.

Once you’ve set up your account and invited your partner, you can link any bank accounts the two of you use, either separately or together. As of this writing (Sep. 4th, 2017) the app is US-only, but as far as I can tell, Honeydue works with just about any bank, brokerage, and lender in the States you can think of, and apparently even a few Canadian banks.

From there, the two of you can track each other’s balances, categorize your expenditures, nudge one another with notifications if any bills slip through the cracks, and generally collaborate better towards one another’s goals. I can’t wait to see this app grow, both in terms of device/OS compatability (iPad version for me, please!) and expanding their userbase outside the US.

Honeydue for iPhone is free to download on the iOS App Store and there are no in-app purchases to speak of (at least today).