
April 8, 2015

Written by

Chris Gonzales


Antonio Diaz

This morning, the Apple Watch embargo lifted and the in-depth reviews have already started pouring in.

We and our fellow Apple nerds have a lot of reading ahead of us, so here at Tools & Toys we figured, why not put together a list of our favorite AeroPress coffee-brewing recipes and other related miscellany? By the twentieth reading of the word fluoroelastomer you'll be glad you were caffeinated enough to push through.

Just be careful about trying all the recipes at once. Our goal isn't necessarily to have you seeing in new colors or vibrating into higher dimensions. Pace yourself and enjoy in moderation.

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Brewing Equipment

Before we get started, here's what you'll need for brewing:

P.S. It never hurts to emotionally prep yourself with Adam Lisagor's (

Now, onto the recipes!

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AeroPress'd Americano

Essentially a standard AeroPress brew, with some additional hot water at the end.

  • 16g finely ground coffee
  • Add 125 ml. of hot water (about 195°F.)
  • Stir quickly, then slowly press the coffee — taking approximately 60 seconds for a total brew time
  • After the coffee is made, add hot water to taste (about 100ml works for us.)
  • Enjoy

Inverted AeroPress

This is how we prefer to brew most of the time.

Note: To brew a cup of coffee with the AeroPress inverted, place the rubber plunger into the top of the AeroPress until it’s even with the “4” circle. Then, set the AeroPress upside down so that what is now the “top” is where the filter and cap screw on.

  • 15g of medium-grind coffee
  • Begin a timer / stopwatch
  • Quickly add 50 ml. of hot water (just off boiling)
  • Let bloom (i.e. don’t touch it) until the timer says 45 seconds
  • Add 200 ml. more of water (thus making a total of 250ml.).
  • Stir, the add the filter cap and let sit until the timer says 90 seconds
  • Flip over the AeroPress and press the coffee, finishing up by the time the timer reaches 2 minutes
  • Enjoy

2012 World AeroPress Championship Recipe

A trusty favorite.

  • 18g coarsely ground coffee
  • Slowly add 225 ml. of hot water (just off boiling)
  • Stir, then slowly press the coffee, stopping the press as soon as you hear the “hiss”
  • Enjoy

You can find more AeroPress Championship recipes here.

The "Just Add Water" Method

This is another "inverted"-style recipe, but less finnicky than the one above. The video was recorded by the guys at Tonx before they were acquired by Blue Bottle.

  • 14g finely ground coffee
  • Add 220g of hot water
  • Start a timer for 1min 30sec
  • Stir the coffee
  • Flip AeroPress over, then press slowly and evenly into mug until you hear the "hiss"
  • Enjoy

Jeremy's Winning AeroPress Recipe

Jeremy Moore, founder of Bonlife Coffee, won the 2014 U.S. AeroPress Championship with this recipe.

  • 17g of coffee, ground mid-fine (during the competition, Jeremy used Peru Cecovasa from Stumptown Coffee Roasters)
  • Pour 260 grams of 202°F water slowly over coffee in a circular motion, taking approximately 46 seconds
  • Stir once
  • Place plunger onto AeroPress and let brew for another 47 seconds (don't push just yet)
  • Plunge slowly for 48 seconds
  • Enjoy

Verve Coffee Roasters Method

Another simple inverted brew.

  • 14g of coffee, ground a little finer than drip
  • Add 200g of hot water (as the video says, pour "viciously" to really mix everything up)
  • Give the mixture a good stir
  • Cap the AeroPress, then leave it for one minute
  • Flip AeroPress and plunge for anywhere between 15 to 30 seconds, and as always, stop when you hear the "hiss"
  • Enjoy

Heart Roasters Method

View this recipe as a nicely-formatted PDF here.

  • 18 grams of coffee, ground a bit finer than filter drip
  • Start timer and pour 270g of hot water (between 200°F and 205°F)
  • Pull water off of the boil, and wait 45 seconds to a minute, or until the water is 200-205 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Stir coffee, then place plunger in just enough to seal the top (which prevents the "bleed-through" issue people tend to have with non-inverted methods, where some of the coffee drips into the mug before you're ready to plunge)
  • At 50 seconds, remove the plunger, and stir for five seconds. Then place the plunger back onto the AeroPress (again, to prevent any bleed-through)
  • At about 1 minute 45 seconds, remove plunger again and stir for another five seconds
  • Place the plunger and slowly push down for about 20 seconds, until you hear the "hiss"
  • Enjoy