Featured Sponsor: Out of Pages. Subscribe to notebooks.

Some ideas can’t be saved on a smartphone. They have to be sketched, diagrammed or written by hand. They have to be torn out and handed to someone or rolled into a bottle and sent adrift.

Out of Pages wants to make sure you’re always prepared for those kinds of ideas.

  1. Create and subscribe to a plan that fits your needs.
  2. Enjoy your notebooks! Your notebooks arrive as scheduled. We’ll make sure you stay stocked and ready.
  3. Running out? Drop the included postcard in the mail, or expedite your order at outofpages.com for free.
  4. Keep it going, switch it up, or cancel at any time.

Out of Pages: Notebook subscriptions for people who like to think on paper.

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Our thanks to Out of Pages for sponsoring Tools & Toys this week.