‘Every Day is Play’ by Matthew Kenyon

In late 2013, Matthew Kenyon of Game Paused successfully Kickstarted a wonderful book called Every Day is Play: a Celebration of the Video Game. Inside this beautifully-put-together book are over 300 full-color litho pages filled with more than 1,000 images of artwork centered around video games, either taken directly from the games themselves or inspired by them.

There are 30+ features and interviews to be read, plus a foreword from the founder of Atari, but the real draw for me was the artwork. It’s simply gorgeous and really takes me back to my childhood. Among the included artists and studios are:

Every Day is Play is expected to begin shipping in the US in early-to-mid January 2015, but can be preordered now for $49. UK readers can get it directly from Game Paused, but it is currently out of stock. Keep an eye out.

Many thanks to Sebastiaan de With for the heads up about this book.